Early Christmas Present!

A Quiet Moment.

I hope you all had some time to relax and enjoy the holidays. Our Thanksgiving was not traditional but still very nice. We missed our yearly get together with the rest of the family but were joined with Wes and my sister Cathy and nephew Dan. We celebrated Dan's 25th birthday. Layla had treatment Monday through Wednesday. Wes accompanied her and got to meet Dr. Rosenberg and the nursing crew. Our Thanksgiving consisted of a pre-ordered Whole Foods Turkey+ Meal along with some home made stuff. It was delicious!  We might have a new tradition from now on! We hung out mostly at home. Layla was exhausted, a side effect of both immunotherapy and chemotherapy. We had rented a house for 6 days to bridge the gap between our Mexico trip and our third phase of treatment.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Layla modeling her new outfit dubbed the "Huggle" (gift from Cathy).

Olaf is not sure about the portions!

Family Thanksgiving Selfie.

On Saturday, we had a lot of help moving into our new place (home for the next 4 weeks). We are staying at a Wyndham timeshare resort in Pompano Beach till December 20th. The apartment was generously donated by Nikki (Layla and Derek's friend) and her mom. In addition to this very generous donation, Nikki and Gilbert are providing temporary loving home for Lucy, Nina's cat, while we are away for treatment.

Unpacking for our third move.

The view from our new place.
We received great news on Monday and even better ones on Tuesday. Remember those tumor markers we are tracking, well they are dramatically down again and it's definitely due to the combination of all the therapies that we are pushing. We cannot know what exactly is causing this, but we might even be seeing an early response due to the immunotherapy.

Date                     CA 125       Ca 27.29        Ca 15-3
10/15/18             1767            1511               821
10/29/18              898              1636             968     (following 2 weeks of treatment)
11/8/18                245              742                498     (following 4 weeks of treatment)
11/19/18               89               389                192     (following the immunotherapy procedure)
 % Drop               95%            74%                77%   (% Change from start of treatment)

The CTC (circulating tumor cell count), a marker that measures the amount of cancer cells circulating in the blood came down from 353 to 1!!! This is a remarkable drop in just 5 weeks!  We were stunned when we got the results and couldn't believe it.

Additionally, the ceruloplasmin (amount of copper in the blood) is down from 47 to 15 which is at the high end of the desired therapeutic range.  Dr. Rosenberg has never seen such a quick drop in numbers and he got very emotional with tears in his eyes when he was delivering the news. This is definitely due to the multi cut approach of the treatment including the low dose chemo, the re-purposed drugs, the tetrathiomolybdate (TM) which chelates excess copper, the recent intra-tumoral injection of OX40, CpG and Yervoy in Mexico City and all the previous immunotherapy work that was done in Vienna. 

The tumor markers need to be less than 30 to be in therapeutic range and we believe we are heading that way!! We celebrated the news by going to the movies. We watched "Bohemian Rhapsody". For all of the Queen fan, this is a great movie to watch in the theater.

We are getting ready for the holidays. We got ourselves a small xmas tree and got some decorations from the dollar store. 

Olaf approving our Xmas tree.

At the Dollar Store.

Our temporary home.

We hope to give you more good news next week as we will have a new reading of the tumor markers following two more weeks of treatment.

With lots of love,
Nina, Layla, Samara and Olaf too!


  1. Wonderful, wonderful news! So happy to hear it. Love, peace and healing thoughts to all!

  2. Great to hear this wonderful news! Big hugs to all of you!

  3. This is awesome news!! So glad everything is heading in the right direction! Happy Holidayzz!

  4. I am more than thrilled to hear this wonderful news!!!! You guys all look absolutely radiant! I hope we continue hearing wonderful news of our beautiful and strong Layla! Our amazing fighter!

  5. You made my day with the wonderful news!! I am so happy for Layla and for all of you, and will eagerly wait for more good news. Sending hugs and love.

  6. Wonderful morning news! Go Layla Go.

  7. Happy heart, happy feet, happiness overload. Miss you all. I can’t wait to throw my arms around you Layla and squeeze you tight. Love your Christ,as tree.

  8. Awesome news !!!!! Am soooo happpy for you guys 😘😘😘waiting for more good news a big hug and kisses.GO LAYLA GO 💜💜💜

  9. Layla so wonderful read all this and updates... You go girl !!! Big Hugs from us all here in Colorado. Got to see Derek and Danielle in Calif Nov 24th.. Janine

  10. Hi, congrats in your recovery, I'm reading your blog with much interest, my dear wife has stage IV triple negative breast cancer and I am researching the best way to move forward. Would you please be able to provide information on Dr. Rosenberg? Thanks very much.


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